What Is Neuropathic Pain?

Neuropathic pain is severe pain as a result of injury, damage, or dysfunction to the nervous system. When an injury or damage affects the nerves,  the nervous system sends a message of pain to the brain. This pain can deeply affect a person’s ability to function in everyday life, but fortunately, relief is possible. 

As much as neuropathic pain can be excruciating, this article is to help you understand that it can be managed and treated.

Possible Causes Of Neuropathic Pain

Disease: Diabetic patients are likely to have neuropathic pain because the disease has a possibility of affecting the overall function of the nervous system. When this disease becomes severe, it usually comes with stings, burns and pains. Other diseases like cancer also contribute to neuropathic pain. 

Excessive intake of alcohol: Excessive consumption of alcohol is very detrimental to general body health and wellness. Alcohol causes severe damage to the nerves in the body, which results in chronic neuropathic pain.

Infection: Infection in the body such as chickenpox can cause this health condition. The virus that causes chickenpox doesn’t die immediately, even after chickenpox has been treated. This virus can remain in the nervous system and later reactivate as shingles. The regeneration of this virus as shingles leaves the nervous system in chronic pain.

Amputation: The amputation of a hand or leg can cause neuropathic pain due to the fact that nerves around the amputated area sometimes send a wrong signal of pain to the brain even when there is no pain.

Injury: injury in the joint can cause damage to the nerves around that area. Injury in the spine and muscles can also cause damage to the nerves and result in neuropathic pain.

Other Causes Of Neuropathic Pains Are:

  • Inflammation in the nerves 
  • Surgical procedures that resulted in nerve damage 
  • Spinal inflammation 
  • Radiation and chemotherapy drugs
  • Facial nerve damage

Symptoms Of Neuropathic Pain 

When you experience the following changes in your body,  it is important to pay attention to it and consult a specialist for proper body checkups. The symptoms of neuropathic pain:

  • Difficulty sleeping due to pains
  • Unpleasant feeling and burning sensation
  • A feeling of pain without  being triggered
  • Intermittent or spontaneous pains

Treatment For Neuropathic Pain 

Neuropathic pain, when untreated, can compound to other health issues and complications, thus, the need for treatment and management. It is dangerous to seek or apply self-medication for the treatment of neuropathic pain.l. The following treatments may help you find relief:

Get help from a specialist: A specialist trained in the field of treatment and management of this health condition can best detect the causes of the pain in your nervous system and the best treatment suitable for it. Different patients have different causes, and the treatment could differ. 

Get therapy: Therapy is one of the most effective ways to treat neuropathic pain. Your therapist will know the therapy you respond best to and make provisions for that. Therapies such as massage therapy, physical therapy, and relaxation therapy are all effective for the treatment of neuropathic pain.

Treat the cause: It is important to pay attention to what might have been the cause or contributing factor to this health challenge. For instance, if you have a health condition, which is one of the causes of neuropathic pain, helping to treat the original condition may also relieve some pain symptoms.


Neuropathic pain is chronic pain as a result of damage or injury in the nerves or nervous system. This health issue, if untreated, can compound to other health issues such as depression. Contact us today to learn more about treatment options that can help you find real relief.

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